Whatever you like to call it - Fire Safety Engineering or Fire Safety Consultancy - Gillick Fire Safety are here to help. 

You can find information on our web site in relation to:

We provide an additional wide range of other services as well. 

Do you need help with..?

  • Navigating Building Regulations or Building Control Regulations and how they might relate to your premises in terms of fire safety?
  • Improving how you use the layout and space in your premises to both meet Regulation requirements and make it work for you from a fire safety perspective?
  • Understanding fire safety related correspondence from the Local Authority Fire Service, Tusla etc (such as a Fire Safety Notice or Inspection Report) and what is required to address the issues outlined?
  • Reviewing your Fire Safety Management systems – we can assess what you already have in place and work with you to improve your policies and procedures and how they are implemented.
  • Setting up a Fire Safety Register – It is a requirement for almost all types of premises to have records of their fire safety systems and servicing details and these should be kept in a Fire Safety Register.
  • Determining whether you require a Fire Safety Certificate (FSC), Revised FSC or even a Regularisation FSC and understanding what is involved in the process for these applications?
  • Similarly, determining whether you need a Disability Access Certificate (DAC) and what is involved in designing your premises to be accessible for all users?

Or do you have any general queries on fire safety matters in your premises or with upcoming projects?

Sometimes you might not even be sure what you need in terms of fire safety in your premises - so please feel free to contact us and we will do our best to guide you in the right direction.