Standard Fire Safety Certificate

Most works to buildings (other than a private family home) require a Fire Safety Certificate. This is a certificate from the Local Authority confirming that the building will be designed in accordance with appropriate fire safety guidelines [Part B (Fire Safety) of the Building Regulations]. (It is similar to having Planning Permission granted for works to a building, except that it relates specifically to fire safety matters). 

So, if you are planning:

  • To construct a new building (New Construction)
  • Add floor area to your premises (Extension)
  • Change all (or part) of your existing building (Material Alteration)
  • Change the function of all (or part) of your premises (Material Change of Use)

Whether it be a creche, school, shop, office, storage facility, nursing home, residential care facility, hotel, bar, restaurant, apartments, community hall etc - then you are likely to require a FIRE SAFETY CERTIFICATE (sometimes called a Fire Cert or FSC) for these works.

A Fire Safety Certificate is obtained by submitting an application (i.e. fire drawings, Fire Safety Compliance Report and other relevant documents) to the Local Authority/County Council outlining how the works proposed will comply with Part B (Fire Safety) of the Building Regulations.

Local Authority Fees: The application fee to the Local Authority for a Standard FSC application is calculated at €2.90 per square meter of area of application.

If you are planning any works to your premises, just give us a call and we can advise if an FSC is needed and how we can help.


If there are changes to a proposed design along the way, a Revised Fire Safety Certificate may need to be applied for. This involves re-submitting updated drawings and report reflecting the modifications.

Local Authority Fees: The application fee to the Local Authority for a Revised FSC application is calculated at €2.90 per square meter of area of application.


If, however, the works are already completed (i.e. without a Fire Safety Certificate application having being submitted to the Local Authority before the works); then a Regularisation FSC may be required (similar to retention planning situation, i.e. after the fact). This can be an onerous and tedious process, but Gillick Fire Safety are experienced in this area and can guide you through it.

Local Authority Fees: The application fee to the Local Authority for a Regularisation FSC application is calculated at €11.60 per square meter of area of application.